Saturday, March 21, 2020

Whitetail Hike

We socially distanced ourselves by going on a 4 hour hike around Whitetail. Our route map is below.

Although a 4-hour hike seems long (well it was because my ankle has a slight sprain), we took 4 snack stops and did a lot of other shenanigans so the mileage was minimal.

  • Rest stop 1 involved some water and pretzels. We utilized the random bench that we saw everytime we rode the EZ Rider Quad
  • The Hole. We were hiking along and Julia went ahead. She got all excited and started talking about a hole in the snow. Yawn. Finally we caught up to her. Turns out it wasn't such a yawn ... see pics below.
  • The wrench. Julia also gets credit for finding a 2 foot super heavy wrench. I guess this was used by the mountain crew to connect water lines to the snow machines. We picked it up so we could return it. We also found some ski poles and some bullet shells. Later Julia and RJ found over a dollar worth of change. We need to get a metal detector for next week.
  • Rest stop 2 was brief after some we performed many 'challenges' by hiking off ski trail. There was the rock challenge, the water challenge, the green algae challenge, the log challenge, the pricker bush challenge, and the badger jump challenge (RJ make this up for jumping rocks).
  • Rest stop 3 involved pretzels, a banana, and a long discussion about which rock made a better bed and couch.
  • Rest stop 4 was our reward at the top. We looked over the other side of the mountain, ate Girl Scout cookies, and scaled a rock wall (see pics below).
  • The trip down was relatively quick. We found a good stream (RJ almost got wet) and walked back and forth like skiers in order to slow ourselves down on the black diamond trail.

The Hole


The rock wall

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Last Ski Day at Whitetail

We prepared for one last ski session. The night before, it was doubtful whether the slopes would actually open.

Somehow the grooming crew was able to scrape up enough snow for a final ski day. Temps dipped below freezing overnight, so the melt stopped for one last morning/day.

Sara, Julia, and Sadona ride the lift for an early morning ski. Then pause for a top of hill photo op.
Julia and Sadona were supposed to ski right past me ... but didn't get very close.

Towards the end of the day, things were more of a mud puddle.

RJ did the mud ski, but didn't hit the water with enough speed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Health Summary

I took some random pictures of things around the house.


Based on these pictures, do you think:
a) We are having a healthy winter season?
b) We are running a hospital in our house?
c) We are looking forward to the Corona virus because that will seem like a break from misery?

March 6 update

After a week off school, RJ is back to normal. He is walking around, pestering Sara, and trying to get under Julia's skin. Sara also seems to be doing better. Although after a month of various maladies, we aren't sure Sara will recognize how it feels to be healthy.

March 7 update

Flu claims victim #3.

Frustration and name-calling sets in.

March 11 update

Flu claims victim #4.