Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween 2019 - Unicorn and Ghost

On Halloween night, Julia was a splendid unicorn and RJ was scary ghost. Together they accumulated about 10 pounds of candy.


Doug's attempt to dress up as Cloud ERP software was probably the scariest thing on Halloween.

St. Agnes had a super Halloween celebration. The kids dressed up, played games, and ran through the haunted house. RJ ran through the haunted house about 10 times - glad I wasn't volunteering.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Halloween Prep - Carving Pumpkins

The scariest thing this Halloween is the fact that the kids got their hands on knives in order to carve their own pumpkins.


Yes, Julia is dressed as a Miami cheerleader at the end of October ... but she is going to be a unicorn for Halloween.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hockey Season 2

RJ enjoyed the spring season so much that we are playing again in the winter of 2019-20. This time we are on the light blue team.

The team had picture day. We didn't go for the $40 glamour shots ... but I got a couple of pictures from the back with my so-so phone camera in low light.


RJ always rushes to center ice in order to take the face off. Given the effort, I guess taking the face off must be a lot of fun.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

11 Year Anniversary

To celebrate our 11 year anniversary, we stayed home with RJ who had a bout of intestinal blockage.

The next day we made up for it by taking pictures and expanding the garden.


Garden Plus 8 Feet

Everybody pitched in moving rocks, tilling, and digging to add an additional 33% to the garden. Next spring we have 24 ' x 12' to work with.