Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Free Trip to Russia

Part of my job involves travelling to Russia. I work from 8:30am - 9:30pm. Somebody likened it to a Russian Gulag. On the positive side of things, I do get to visit exciting places like the road in front of the Russian office building.

The 9.5 hour flight is super fun. On the return trip I get to tack on 3-4 hours in New York at the JFK airport. I did happen to look out the window as I was flying over Norway on the return trip.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Day in Delaware

NDSU vs University of Delaware

How often does the North Dakota State University play football within driving distance of Washington DC? Not too often. So we drove up to Delaware so Sara and RJ could watch the national champs.


Longwood Gardens

Thinking that Julia would not last through 2-3 hours of tailgating plus 4 quarters of football, Doug met up with ex-college roommate Shawn and his wife Rosemary. They bought the kids gifts, took us to Longwood Gardens, AND bought us lunch. THANKS!!!!!!

Julia liked the tree houses and the fountain show ... but her favorite was the water exhibits that you could play in.


Saturday, September 7, 2019

Birthday Weekend

Two birthday parties in 1 weekend!

Emmett's Birthday

RJ had a blast climbing at Emmett's birthday party. In addition to climbing, three friends (Santiago, Emmett, RJ) were reunited.


Even Julia got in on the action


Barrett's Birthday

On Sunday, RJ had a lot of fun at Barrett's birthday ... with nerf gun wars.

Most of the day RJ was on the blue team ... but he was pretty effective on the red team as well ... at least until he forgot was team he was on (see the last few seconds).

Monday, September 2, 2019

Julia Rides a Bike

Sara started cleaning out the back shed and threatened to give away some of the bikes. That was all it took for Julia to decide it was time for her to ride without training wheels.

With a new patented technique, Julia taught herself to ride on the grass in our back yard while using 10 psi (flat) tires.

After a few days of riding in the driveway, Julia and I headed out to the park - we started with riding around the basketball court, rode around the parking lot, picked up Abby, and then headed off for a lap around Clemyjontri Park. At one point we started catching up to a train, so we decided it was probably best to return to the parking lot.

All was great until Julia decided to do a loop to pick up some speed in order to climb a hill. Unfortunately the loop was on gravel, so the back tire slipped out and we gently scraped our elbow ... our first biking accident.