Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kiwi Crate and Granddad

Each month a kiwi crate shows up. This gives RJ some quality time with Granddad where he can put the contraption together.

This month was an experiment on osmosis, cohesion, or tension ... or something like that that causes water to move up the roots of plants. This experiment allowed us to witness the colored water getting pulled up 'plant stems' to add color to paper flowers. We never explained why the yellow dye moved faster than the red dye.

5K Race at St. Luke School

Both Dad and RJ ran their first 5K race. RJ was exhausted at the end ... until he guzzled some Gatorade and saw his first grade friends. At that point he bounced on an obstacle course bounce house for over an hour.

When the final times were in ... RJ measured

RJ was the hare (zoom, rest, zoom, rest), Dad was the tortoise (slow and steady). Next year we are going to try to beat 28 minutes.

The finish line ...

Race Results

Notice that I beat RJ by 3 seconds ... because I wisely started the race in last place so when we finished together, I got the delayed start time deducted from my overall time. I'm guessing I have two more years of being able to keep up.

Men 7 and under

Plc Place Name StartInt ChipTime Gun Time Time min/mile Ag Prix Bib #
--- ----- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- ----- -----
Men 7 and under
046 1/4__ RJ__ 00:00:03 00:31:00 00:31:03 00:31:00 9:59 6 934 324
058 2/4__ HK__ 00:00:00 00:32:31 00:32:31 00:32:31 10:28 7 918 326
060 3/4__ TM__ 00:00:01 00:32:35 00:32:36 00:32:35 10:29 7 914 445
090 4/4__ BO__ 00:00:01 00:37:03 00:37:04 00:37:03 11:56 7 898 356
Men 50 and over
045 4/12_ DJ__ 00:00:04 00:30:57 00:31:01 00:30:57 9:58 50 936 323

Full results:

Saturday, September 22, 2018

McLean Community Day at St. Luke

At McLean community day we played games, collected trinkets, kicked a soccer ball, and watched some magic. We also got to see what RJ has been learning in first grade ... as you can see in the video. 320 x 266

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Erosion control at Granddad's house

Erosion control at Granddad's house

The boys went to Baltimore to install fake wood steps to control erosion on the back hill. After a lot of sweat, the weeds were pulled, and the steps were installed.

If you look closely in the picture, notice that RJ is holding a broken drill bit. Humm ... not one of Dad's best moments with the drill.