Saturday, September 16, 2017

Apple Picking

Everybody helped pick lots of apples. Anybody know what to do with 50 lbs of apples?

But jumping off hay bales, climbing trees, 'fishing' in the pond, and balancing on logs occupied the majority of our time.

We also took a video of the kids jumping. Don't get too excited, it is only 7 seconds long.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Grampa Farmer Bob and Gramma Diane Visit

Grampa Farmer Bob reads to RJ and Julia (and Grandma Diane!)
Generational Divide (in full disclosure, she was holding Grandpa's cell phone after he left it at the airport and we recovered it)
RJ helped Grandpa Farmer Bob mow the lawn.
Gramma Diane's night to read
We celebrated RJ's first week of school by going mini-golfing.
Afterwards, we came home and the kids got to have their first ever rootbeer float. They were pretty excited!
Everyone enjoying their dessert.
RJ, Julia and Doug on GrandDad's boat on the Bay. bites. :(
The 3 Bobs
RJ and Julia checking out the crabs sloughing while we waited for a table at Cantler's.