Thursday, November 26, 2015

Holiday Decorating

What better activity for Thanksgiving Day than watching the Macy's Day parade and putting up Christmas decorations? RJ was a little confused later that night...
RJ: Mom, is this the best Christmas ever?
Mom: RJ, it is Thanksgiving, not Christmas.
RJ: Then why did we put up the Christmas tree today?

Julia taking the tree skirt off every time I attempted to put it on.
RJ's antlers
This is what your tree looks like when a 3 year old and 1 1/2 year old are helping. All the decorations are above Julia's reach, a few strands of lights went out and the tree skirt may or may not make it to Christmas.
We were all very excited to have Christy home for a few days!
Our attempt at a family picture

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Around the House This Week

Julia mad at RJ for cleaning up her mess
Seriously? Both kids in our bed sleeping in after keeping both of us up most of the night.
RJ determined it was a beautiful day for a picnic and begged me to set up the picnic table for lunch outdoors. He then insisted he needed the umbrella for shade and put on his winter coat because he was cold. I will never understand the 3 year old brain.
RJ headed to work
Julia imitating RJ
Julia mad at RJ for taking her hippo that she had been playing with approximately 30 minute prior to this.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


RJ's explanation of the day: We cut down the cherry tree. Dad and I were sad because it is a good picture taking tree, but mom said, "CUT IT DOWN!!!"
Our last family picture with the tree
RJ and Julia helped clean up the branches as Doug cut them down.
We were smart enough to save this part for nap time. Sara pulled the rope in hopes that the branch wouldn't hit the window or light pole while Doug cut the branch.
Preparing the trunk for the final cut
Here we go! This had better work!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Scott's Run Hike

We tried this hike a couple months ago despite warnings from "Bolduc" and the weatherman. Sure enough ... we got wet. This time we stayed dry except for RJ's shoes after a small slip off a bridge. Covered the purple, yellow, green, and blue trails.
Made it to "the chimney" this time -- making up for last attempt's rain-out.
Snack time! Needed a bit of fuel prior to the second mile.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Outdoor Fun

It's hard to believe it is mid-November and plenty warm to play outside!
Julia's legs are finally long enough for her to ride the Cadillac! She's also sporting a "new" jacket from big cousin Claire.
RJ cruising in the plasma car.

Around the House this Week

Clearly, they have me confused with someone else with the same name. (Read the first line in the second paragraph.)
When Doug gets home from work, Julia stands by the back door in the kitchen and screams until Doug takes her outside to swing. This is her all time favorite activity.
RJ loves climbing these pillars after seeing his cousins do it. We are going to miss the swing and these climbing pillars when we renovate. :(
If Julia wakes up from her nap before RJ, which happens almost every day, she likes to try to wake him up. Obviously, I'm not thrilled with this activity choice.
When it rains, we have to bring our toys inside.
Julia and her multiple ponytails
Julia making sure RJ is on board (even though she can't actually pedal).
Acting crazy
Julia refused to let me dress her after a mid-day bath (don't ask). I was just too tired to fight her, so this is how she spent the rest of the day.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Grandparents Visit

Julia and Grandmother Chris playing with a pop-up toy
GrandDad, Grandmother Chris, Doug, RJ & Julia racing cars

Sunday, November 8, 2015

More Fall Fun

Doug was attempting to clean up the yard while the kids "helped."

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Wedding Fun

Ryan and Monica's wedding...RJ took a lot of pictures, but most were blurry.
Doug was surprised to see my picture on the wall at The National Press Club.
Doug giving a speech.

Car Maintenance

RJ working on his car
Showing me how he is going to reinforce it with a piece of wood


Go Bison!
The kids were so excited about the animals.
I should have taken a video of these two squealing at the otters.
Julia running away from us
Bao Bao
A little rain won't scare us away!