Friday, August 28, 2015


We went to Cleveland for Aunt Lou's funeral. We drove at night assuming the kids would sleep. You should never assume anything.
Julia passed out after breakfast
I took the kids to the splash pad at Crocker Park to burn some energy so they would nap.
RJ was a little hesitant about running through the water. Julia jumped right in!
RJ trying to button his vest.
Happy Julia in her pigtails.
Ready to go!
Doug swimming with RJ and Cousin Leon (Susu and Claude)at Sitoo's pool.
Sara with Ian (17 months - Marissa and John) and Julia (14 months)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Rain Fun

Julia running away from Doug in the rain
Doug grabbing her before she escapes
Julia runs away again, looking back to make sure Doug is watching

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Around the House

Julia is starting to demonstrate a little more success with the spoon.
Catching up on sports
RJ setting up his "shoe store"
Julia loves her pacis. This night my plan was to put them everywhere in her crib so she could find them on her own when she woke up in the middle of the night instead of screaming for us. It was a nice idea, but it didn't work. She still screamed for us.

RJ giving Julia a ride around the house
RJ creating with playdough
Julia loves playing with RJ's shoes and they are often found scattered around the house.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Julia got into the pantry and when I picked up the pasta to put it away, all the noodles spilled on the floor.
RJ playing in the mess and Julia eating it.
I decided to keep the noodles around because it is so much fun sweeping them up off the floor every night. Here they are the next day playing at the table.
Julia fed herself tomato soup with a spoon/her hands.

Helping with Laundry

This does not look like it is headed in a great direction.
Both Julia and RJ love this game.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Julia's hair is finally (almost) long enough for pigtails!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

DC Adventure

We went on an adventure into DC AKA "The Magic City" to get some exercise and visit Auntie Donna.
Julia is quite content with her graham cracker and stroller ride.
RJ riding his bike along the Potomac River
No one wanted to pose for a picture with Lincoln
And this is what you get when someone else takes a picture for you
RJ, Julia and Doug with the Washington Monument
Julia and RJ both loved the duck pond. RJ was a little disappointed that they weren't quacking, so I quacked at them and they quacked back.
Washington Monument
RJ with WWII Memorial and Lincoln in background

After our bike ride, we went to visit Auntie Donna, which I managed to get 0 pictures.
Then we enjoyed her rooftop pool.
The view toward Kennedy Center
The view toward Rosslyn
The view toward Key Bridge

Friday, August 14, 2015


Katelyn, Bradley and RJ playing in the car
Splash pad playdate with Ezra, but I didn't get any pictures of RJ or Ezra.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hidden Oaks Nature Center

We decided to go on an adventure this morning to the nature center.
We went on a hike and along the way there were footprints and you had to guess to which animal they belonged. Our conversation here went something like this:
Mom: RJ, Who do those footprints belong to?
RJ: An owl!
Mom: Whoooo
RJ: An owl!
Mom: Whooo
RJ: An owl!
Mom: Whooo
RJ: Mom, stop saying that!
Obviously, I was quite amused with this interaction. ;)

Scary Mama Bear

RJ and Julia watching turtles

Measuring their height compared to dinosaurs

RJ walking on a dinosaur's back

Julia digging in the dirt

RJ playing in the pond

Nature center fun