Sunday, July 26, 2015

Visiting Grandparents

Last weekend we were in Baltimore. As we were leaving, RJ said, "The next time we have lunch at GrandDad and Grandmother Chris' house, we should hit up GrandDad for the pool." So, since we were in Baltimore again the following weekend, we did!
Grandmother Chris and Julia at Meadowbrook
RJ was so excited about the pool where he could reach, the toys he found and just swimming in general.
Doug playing with RJ and Julia in the kiddie pool
Julia walking into the pool

Saturday, July 25, 2015

13 Months!

It has taken me a month to get Julia's one year pictures in the chair. It is impossible to get her to sit still!
And she's off!
She is usually proud of herself for walking and squeals in excitement when she falls.

Julia in her fancy dress on her new chaise lounge.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Reading and Playing

RJ was reading to Julia and by the time I got back with my camera, she had moved on to something else.

RJ set up their chairs Grandpa made them so they could read.

It's taken a year, but they are finally starting to play together!

RJ wanted to pretend to be a dentist and he came up with the mask idea all by himself.

Julia's first drawing

RJ does not like zucchini and I can't convince him to try it unless it is made into zucchini bread. Today we made "garden noodles" and...

he approved!

RJ posing Asian steps from Aunt Rita

Julia wanted a turn too!

Since RJ was a baby, he has fallen asleep approximately two times in random locations. The other time was when he was a baby and I'm pretty sure it is posted somewhere on this blog.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Splashing Around Georgetown

We went to deliver some furniture to Auntie Donna's in DC, so we decided to walk over to the fountain while we were there. The kids had a blast and had the whole fountain to themselves!
RJ looks like he is flying!
There's the sun!

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Based on RJ and Julia's recent behavior in a four hour car ride, we decided I would go by myself to Cleveland for Bobby and Lyndsi's wedding. It was a fun, quick weekend!
Sara & Ana
Annika, Jett, Sara, Ari & Caiden rock out
Lyndsi and Bobby
Aunt Lou and Bobby
Ari and Tom learning a new dance
Good morning and goodbye Cleveland

Friday, July 10, 2015

Settling back in

We are getting used to being home and trying to catch up on yard and house work.
RJ made a seeder and explained how it worked. "Mommy, this is a seeder. See, you put the seed in, then out comes the money and then the early bird gets the world!" He's catching on to farming! He needs a little work on idioms.
Hydrangeas in RJ's favorite color
I spent 30 hours in Cleveland and when I returned, Julia had learned how to climb up and down steps. I should have given specific instructions to work on language, not motor, skills.
This was my attempt at getting Julia to color and not try to eat the crayon. She wasn't buying it.
So, we decided to practice walking instead.
RJ minding his P's and U's. ;)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Julia didn't really participate in the stomp rockets, but she did enjoy crawling around in the grass and getting messy.

Stomp Rocket

Aunt Debbie came to visit and brought Doug a Father's Day gift. This has provided hours of entertainment and we haven't even tried it at night yet. It glows in the dark!
Aunt Debbie with her favorite niece and nephew
Doug helping pick up the rockets, but really I just put this picture in because it looks like he is floating.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Home Sweet Home

Julia needed a few comfort items to nap today.
Cleaning and measuring

Monday, July 6, 2015

Second Cousins

We stopped at Blessum's on the way to the airport so the second cousins could meet. Julia and Reed were not really impressed with each other. Brody, however, sang a banana song and left quite an impression on RJ. He keeps asking me, "Mommy, how do you turn a banana into a phone?"


A weather delay and then mechanical delay caused us to miss our connection in MSP. Luckily, Delta paid for a hotel room for the night.
Julia bracing herself for a long night
EARLY morning at the airport calls for PJs
Julia earned her wings (in her hair).