Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sara's Birthday

RJ was beyond excited to sing happy birthday to me. I think he just wanted cake.
RJ blew out the candles before I could get a chance.

Julia, RJ and Mommy

Creme de Menthe cake topped with crushed thin mints

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Easter Egg Hunt

We had an Easter Egg Hunt at Holy Trinity again this year. It was COLD, but the kids were still pretty excited to find eggs.


After Doug complained that this magazine was not "techy" enough for him and commenting about how ridiculous this main article was going to be, he got sucked in...
and decided to put some of it's explanations to the test. Here the boys are testing out their new paper airplanes (because knowing how to make a paper airplane is a critical life skill???)

Doug teaching RJ how to throw it properly.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Fun Around the House

Making fruit rollups with the food dehydrator

RJ entertaining Julia with bubbles

RJ made his own sink plug and sang "Row, Row, Row your boat" as he floated the measuring spoons around in circles.

Julia is still trying to crawl.

Playing hopping bunnies with Dad

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Julia - 9 months old!

Julia is now 9 months old!

Julia learning to push up and getting ready to crawl.

Julia playing with bubbles.

She can't pull herself up yet, but she loves standing...with help...because sometimes

she lets go!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Easter Fun?

RJ came home from preschool with two dyed eggs. He was so excited to show them to me, but when he held one up, he dropped it and it fell and cracked. He was pretty sad until Doug started singing Humpty Dumpty.

Julia trying to cheer up everyone.

Backyard Visitor

You never know what you're going to see in the backyard.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Are you as stubborn as a 3 year old?

Sara: RJ sit down and you can have lunch.
RJ: (sits down and proceeds to scream) I don't want cucumbers and peas! (throws the bowl all over the floor)
Sara: RJ, we are not playing until you clean up the kitchen. Do you want to clean it up now or take a nap?
RJ: Take a nap. When I wake up from my nap, I will say 'Mommy, where'd the peas and cucumbers go because you are going to clean them up.'
He's going to be in for a shock when he realizes his dinner is already on the floor waiting for him. ;)

Can you find RJ?

Weather Woes?

The weather is just teasing us. We had some rain,

then a few warm days,

and then SNOW?!?

March Madness

Cookies RJ and I made for Doug's basketball party with a note that said, "Have a ball!"

Julia in her Duke gear. I figured she will be in NDSU clothes by the end of the day.

RJ refused to wear anything basketball related, but was happy to make bison with his Sands Alive.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


RJ and I were quite amused watching this squirrel try to get in the bird feeder without it snapping shut on himself.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sweet Kids?

Don't they look so sweet in their church clothes?

Julia's expression is a little concerning.

Julia pulling RJ's hair.

Julia pulling RJ's shirt.

Julia trying to steal RJ's milk.

Don't have too much sympathy for RJ. I just didn't manage to get a picture of him kicking Julia or stomping on her back while she was trying to crawl.

Here he is being sweet to her.

Julia and Mommy