Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Let it snow, let it snow

Question: Is there enough snow for sledding?
Immediate Answer: Yup! Lots of snow.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall Fun

Ever since RJ's cousins visited, we have been finding ponytail holders around the house and every time RJ finds one, he tells me he wants to wear his hair "like my cousins." Here he is scooping seeds out of the pumpkin he got at preschool.

Picking berries off the branches we found in the yard.

I let him put the seeds and berries in a cake pan and play with them with his digger. Surprisingly, it was about 36 hours before they ended up all over the living room.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Julia is Four Months Old!

Weighing in at a hefty 14 1/2 lbs, Julia is 4 months old! (And my pictures were taken a couple weeks late, so she's a little older than that here...)
Her expressions are looking more like RJ.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


I came up with a brilliant idea that I could make bread in the crock pot. A brief internet search indicated that maybe I didn't come up with this idea. However, it is still brilliant and we have enjoyed some homemade bread this week. If you are asking yourself why this is so different than making bread in the oven, it is just easier/quicker. The kitchen aid does all the mixing and you put it in the crock pot to rise and bake at the same time. The longest part of the process was explaining to RJ that I was making bread and not deer. The night he discovered my crock pot, he was going to look for deer in the backyard and has been obsessed with getting a deer and putting it in the crock pot for dinner.