Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hiking to the Potomac River

We went hiking with Aunt Debbie, Tex, and Molly. The trip highlights included a chance for RJ to hike up a pretty steep rock hill ... with some limited supervision.
Ascending the cliff
Descending and catching up with Tex

Picture by the Waterfall

The trip low-lights involved not finding the "Billy Goat Trail" which lead to 20 minutes of repeating "where did billy goat trail go?" With some quick thinking, we renamed the main trail the "Bear Trail" to attept a redirect. As Aunt Deb pointed out, a much better name would have been "The Fallen Tree Trail" since we perseverated on that during the 15 minute hike to the waterfall.

Friday, April 18, 2014

After Nap Glow

I wish he was always this happy after a 3 hour nap! (Sorry for the blurriness, but he doesn't like to be still.)

Serious case of bed head

RJ was supposed to be helping frost cookies, but decided it was more fun to frost and eat.

Baby #2

In case you haven't heard...

I keep telling everyone I'm much bigger this time around...and here are the pictures to prove it?
26 weeks pregnant with RJ (aka Peaches)

26 weeks pregnant with Plum

Monday, April 14, 2014

Pre-Easter Fun

Discovering eggs and ears

Painting an Easter picture for Sitoo

So, I decided we would dye Easter eggs this year but didn't want to have to clean up afterwards. So, we waited for a nice day and did it outside.
Some eggs we dyed

And while we waited for them to dye, we painted the others

Our beautiful eggs!

Easter Egg Hunt at Holy Trinity

RJ was so excited and he hadn't even opened the eggs yet!

He was pretty excited about the chocolate and ate it all before I could get to any of it. Every day, he goes into his basket, opens up the eggs and says, "Where'd chocolate go?"

April Weekend Projects

First project: Install rain barrel.
It's supposed to rain this week, so Doug's installation skills are going to be put to the test.

Second project: Remove bush.
Before picture can be found here:


Third project: Install glass front door.
Note "45 mintues to install"

Start time

RJ helping Dad read the instructions.

Distracting RJ by playing "Three little pigs" building houses and blowing them down.

New door installed! (Can't tell much of a difference from a distance)

End time...took a bit longer than 45 minutes!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cherry Bush Planted

RJ towers over the cherry bush sapling. In a few years we expect that McLean will have some well fed birds - if the deer don't get the plants first.