Friday, December 20, 2013

Lunch time fun

Sara: Picks up RJ's sippy cup to refill it with milk.

RJ: Gets mad and throws his bowl of meat all over the floor.

Sara: "RJ, we do not throw food."

RJ: fake cry

20 minutes later...

RJ: "Meat!" (pointing to the floor)

Sara: "Yes, I know. You threw your bowl of meat. Who do you think is going to clean it up, Mommy or RJ?"

RJ: pauses, then says, "Shark"

Here he is with the shark cleaning up his mess...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Saint Nick and Trains

Saint Nick came to visit. RJ kept saying, "Nick, Nick."
Saint Nick left a grapefruit and some gifts.
RJ didn't care so much about the gifts, but was really excited about the grapefruit he got to share with Dad.

The trains are in the process of being set up. RJ has learned how to control the trains and is very proud of himself.

White Christmas

Opening presents

If you celebrate Christmas early, you might get a White Christmas...
Watching the birds with GrandDad
Deep in conversation with GrandDad
Aunt Debbie trying to convince RJ to put on his hat
Our attempt to get home and beat the storm was unsuccessful, so we drove around the block and decided to stay in Baltimore until it cleared up.
Plenty of snow for sledding
Sledding with Aunt Debbie
Family toboggan ride
Molly even got to go sledding!