Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Adventure - Second Stop: Indiana

The four hour drive from Cleveland to Indiana went well. RJ slept for 2 hours and then talked to himself for 2 hours.

Visiting Aunt Jo

Pool time with Luther cousins before a storm blows in...

Who's watching the child?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Adventure

Doug had the opportunity to work in the West Coast office for the summer, so we decided to go on an adventure!

Kid - check
Bike - check

And we're off!!!
First Stop: Cleveland The six hour car ride was uneventful. RJ slept for 2 hours, talked to himself for the next 3 hours and then we decided to stop and let him run around. He was happy for the last hour since Mom was in the back seat feeding him.

Our family with Sitoo

Walking to the park - Doug, Grace, Ariana, Andrew and RJ trying to keep up

Racing on the track - Matthew, RJ, Doug and Andrew

Sitoo, Sara and Grandma Diane

Ari and Andrew

Matthew and Grace

Playing Baseball - Doug, RJ, Jimmy, Andrew and Ari

Matthew eating and RJ refusing to eat Mac and Cheese.