Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rash Quiz

So, RJ broke out in a rash on his stomach Saturday afternoon. It spread to his arms and legs on Sunday and has now spread to his face, hands, feet, etc.

This rash was caused by...
a) a reaction to the vaccines he received last Wednesday.
b) a reaction to rice cereal he ate on Saturday/Sunday.
c) a viral infection.
d) choice a and b are ir"rash"ional. It must be c. (And you thought only Gramma Diane used her blog as a medium for bad jokes.)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Skills

RJ has quickly learned to move forward kicking his arms and legs. He hasn't quite figured out how to coordinate all these movements to actually crawl. The carrot here is Doug's shiny watch, which he loves!
So happy to be up and moving!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ladies Faith Share

We managed to get almost the whole group together!
Back Row: Kate, Lori, Brigid & Ellie, Julie & Maggie
Front Row: Brandie, Sara, Silvia, Jen, Jaimie & Luca, Katelyn, Maura

Saturday, August 18, 2012


RJ has probably been ready for food for awhile...Here's his first feeding.
Looking pretty tiny in his chair
He seems to be more interested in the orange bowl and chewing the tray than eating.
Good job, Doug! This picture pretty much captures the experience!
I guess he just wanted to hold the spoon and do it himself.
He was much happier after the third feeding the following day.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Grandparents Visit

We went to visit RJ's grandparents in Baltimore.Here's Grandmother Chris with RJ.
and Granddad Johnson.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Four Generations

More Fun at Sitoo's

I told Sitoo both of our babies were sleeping in the backseat. If you look closely, you can see she did not wait for me to help her out of the car.
RJ in the Big Red Chair
Sara and RJ in the Big Red Chair

Fun with Sitoo

Sitoo was thrilled to see RJ. She played with him during every waking moment!


RJ experienced his first road trip. Thanks to Cousin Marissa, I was able to manage. Thanks for driving with us and cuddling (with RJ that is)! Somehow, I did not get a picture of the two of them together?!?
Macie pushing RJ in his stroller
RJ with Cousin Joe
RJ with Cousins Sarah and Maddie
RJ with Cousin Rabby
RJ meeting Cousin Hanna...After pushing her around, she pushed back and then he tried to hold her hand.
RJ with Cousin Mary Anne

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Six Months Old!

RJ is so happy to be 6 months old today!
He can now get his legs under him and rock,
sit up by himself
and sleep like this.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Co-workers Visit

My co-workers and their children came to visit. Here's Dee Dee, Donna with Alex and Casey with RJ.
Casey gives RJ a bottle...
and he passes out because he is sooooo happy. Come back any time!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Eet Smakelijk

Great use of my wagon...One of us was a little more excited about picking the garden than the other one.
It's not too often we get to 1) Sit down and have dinner together or 2) Enjoy a meal other than burgers, sausage and chicken. So, I had to capture our "fancy" meal. Eet Smakelijk (enjoy your meal)!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Play Date

Zach's one man band
Maggie taking it all in
Ray building...Do we have a future engineer here?
RJ watching Alec and Ellie checking out each other.
The whole crew: Susan with Alec, Ellie, RJ, Maggie; In back: Zach and Ray