Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Frog Hunting and Swimming

The kids decided their favorite part of the vacation was frog hunting and swimming.
Day 1: We only caught one frog. Ari made Andrew carry the bucket.

Day 2: We caught three frogs and Andrew caught two of them himself.

Experiments: Andrew wonders if they put the container over the frog whether the frog is strong enough to jump and knock it over.

FROG ALERT! The frogs are escaping! (There was a lot of squealing going on during the frog hunting, capture, contain and escape process.)

Grace in the baby pool.

Big kids in the big pool. (Matthew was napping.)

More Babysitting

Grace playing with the shiny buttons on Sitoo's shirt

Matthew crashing his truck into Sitoo.

Four wheeler riding in wheat fields and making wheat gum with Grandpa!

Andrew and Ari with Kids Post in a Canola field. We submitted it to be printed, but don't know if we will win. (We're competing with kids who go to Easter Island for summer vacation.)

Road to Nowhere...aka Cando. Ari and Andrew went to Math Camp in Cando and I was their chauffeur.

Grace feeding herself mac and cheese. It took days to get the cheese out of her hair and ears. The flies were attacking her, but I couldn't quite capture that in the picture.

Babysitting at the Farm

Andrew and Ari matching shapes craft activity

It only took one day and two adults to fix this bike and Ari swore she wasn't going to ride it. She spent the rest of the weekend riding it - with gloves because the handles are sticky and she didn't want to get her hands dirty.
She tried to convince Andrew to ride it. The conversation went something like this:
Ari: Andrew, do you want to ride the bike?
Andrew: No.
Ari: Turns to me and says, "He can't ride without training wheels."
Ari: (To Andrew) Do you want to play school?
Andrew: Yeah!
Ari: Okay! It's bike riding school.
Andrew: No! It's trike riding school.
Ari: You can't go to school for something you already know how to do.

Ari decided to come up with other ideas such as tying Andrew to the handlebars and seeing if he can run along and keep up with her as she rides. Luckily, someone was supervising to put a stop to all this creative thinking.

Matthew riding the tractor

Grandma helped the kids make hopscotch

Grace locked in the stroller so she can't eat anything

Watching tv and playing house

Andrew's store closed for snack. The sign says, "Closed sign"

Ari's store also closed

Midwest Part 2

First stop - Buffalo

Making a cake for Grace

Testing the frosting

Open flame and babies. Looks like we put the cake a little to close to Grace...oops!

Everyone helped blow out the candle