Wednesday, July 20, 2011







Girls Weekend - Wisconsin

After a couple days in Iowa, Doug went back to work and I went to Spring Green for Girls Weekend.
Ari, Andrew and Matthew playing store.

Ari's new glasses

The aftermath of playing store.

Andrew and Matthew playing hot lava.


After Indiana, Doug and I drove to Iowa to visit the Bueckers.
Annika and Caiden

Ari and Doug


Jett waiting patiently for the Zamboni. He was not as amused by the Zamboni song as Tom and I were.

Bratina Family Reunion - Indiana

We drove to Indiana with Doug's parents for the family reunion. For some reason I didn't take any pictures at the family reunion.
Here's the house where Chris grew up.

We went to visit Touchdown Jesus.

We drove around Saint Mary's campus and nothing was open...not even the bookstore.

Fourth of July

We went to the local DC parade in our neighborhood again this year and I got my mandatory picture with the Mayor.

Picture with Mayor from last year

Unfortunately, I've never had a picture with Faith, but thought she deserved some recognition.

Michele Obama!

I went to a luncheon with some girlfriends and Michele Obama was speaking. She came in the crowd after the lunch. Thanks D!


What do you do with 8 lbs of freshly picked strawberries?
You make Strawberry Salsa,

Strawberry Brushetta,

Strawberry Salad with Poppyseed dressing,

Strawberry Chicken,

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

and Strawberry Ice Cream!

Memorial Day Boating

The MacDonald's joined us for swimming.

Doug and James pushing each other overboard.

Michael demonstrating his balancing skills.

Liz and Bernstein with the Bay Bridge.

ND Veteran's

Honor flights arrived from ND and I met them at the WWII Memorial. Here's Bob (Joe's nephew), Joe Black and Tommy Moeller. We had a fun morning!

Girls Weekend Miami

Hystad, Em and I decided to celebrate our 10 year anniversary graduating from college. Actually, it was just an excuse to have a girls weekend in Miami. Em and Hystad had to escape the snow storm hitting ND and they got out just in time!
Grandma and I at Red Fish Grill

Em and Hystad relaxin' by the pool.

Costa Rica

We spent a week in Costa Rica in March helping Cousin John celebrate his 50th birthday.
View from our hotel room

Cousin John enjoying the Three Pools Waterfall

White Faced Capuchin Monkeys-Curu National Park

We rented a kayak at Curu National Park and discovered our private white sand beach.

We also discovered howler monkeys.

We did see a croc while kayaking, but I was too frightened to get a picture. So here's some crocs at a safe distance.

Coati at Manuel Antonio.

Sunset on the beach at our hotel.

We spent the second weekend visiting friends in San Jose. We took a day trip to Volcan Poas.

Jasper walking the dog.