Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Cleveland 2011

A cold visit to the park...Ari shows off her gymnastics skills

Tag with the big and little kids

Grandma and Sara supervising/freezing

Matthew driving the race car at Lowes

Tom still in his pjs at Lowes

Doug and Sara with Grandma

Andrew with the note and cookies he left for santa

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Bump

Here it is...the bump at almost 29 weeks.


We celebrated Doug's dad's birthday with a turkey cake.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

North Carolina Sightings

Cotton field!

Pigs in the front yard

Johnson Family Reunion Kipling North Carolina

After 22 years, the Johnson's reunited the family for a weekend of fun at the family farm in Kipling, North Carolina.

Activity #1: After hearing about the family history, we took a hay ride to the family cemetary.
Doug and Debbie thought they were going to race the hay ride on their bikes, but as it turns out the hayride didn't move very fast and made frequent stops.

Activity #2: Robert showing Alice how to use the dead person finder.

Watch out!

1001 uses for duct tape

Debbie and her dogs on a chapstick run.

Activity #3: Plane rides...

and helicopter rides!!!

Activity #4: Cowboy surfing

Doug and Cousin John

Aerial view of the farm from the helicopter

Activity #5: Family photos

Back Row: Jason Doub, Uncle Jack Doub, Cousin John, Doug, Sara, Bruce Doub
Front Row: Luke Doub, Aunt Rita Doub, Uncle David Johnson, Laura Doub, Debbie, Grayson Doub

Activity #6: Skeet Shooting

Uncle David

Doug's smoking gun

Activity #7: Fireworks...this wasn't your typical backyard fireworks show. This was impressive!

Twinsie Cousins...So, I found one relative that looks like Doug and as it turns out, he's not even related!

Bruce, John, Doug and Tim chatting by the fire

Yummy Breakfast!

Another hay ride

President Obama!

Thanks to D, we went to a dinner and got to see the President!

Drag Racing in Dupont Circle

A Halloween tradition in Dupont Circle...Drag Queens racing down the street in their high heels.


Arriving home from work, I parked behind this car. Not sure why I found it so funny, but I did.

Grandma's 100 Birthday

Grandma with one of her three cakes

Grace excited to be in her new party dress

Grace playing with Grandma

Hmm...How can we turn those frowns upside down?

There we go!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Frog Hunting and Swimming

The kids decided their favorite part of the vacation was frog hunting and swimming.
Day 1: We only caught one frog. Ari made Andrew carry the bucket.

Day 2: We caught three frogs and Andrew caught two of them himself.

Experiments: Andrew wonders if they put the container over the frog whether the frog is strong enough to jump and knock it over.

FROG ALERT! The frogs are escaping! (There was a lot of squealing going on during the frog hunting, capture, contain and escape process.)

Grace in the baby pool.

Big kids in the big pool. (Matthew was napping.)