Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why GM went bankrupt...

While the rest of the country looks for bailout money, Doug drives to Lordstown to solve GM's problems. Doug begins designing the hybrid...starting with a rear view mirror that remains attached to the windshield...even in hot DC weather.

Cleveland Trip

We took Claire for a walk and she witnessed a car accident and met a firefighter.

Doug meets the person who made this bike. He insisted Doug take it for a ride.
Claire wonders if they have ended up in Doug and Sara's yard.
Claire with Godfather and Auntie Sara.

Claire pinching Sitoo's chin.
Steph calming Claire after Mark causes a meltdown.
Claire reading and flipping the pages all by herself!

Claire can't wait to have like her favorite Auntie.

Summer 'do

In desperate need of a hair cut!
Cristina volunteers to cut the ponytail. (She signed a waiver that I couldn't sue her.)
The finished product! Well done, Cristina!

A few weeks later...