Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More Fritel Family Fun

Our Godchildren

You been farming long?
Meltdown in 3...2...1

Jimmy seems a little too excited to be the winner of this tournament. Check out the competition. Oh, and be ready for a frightening sight when you click on this picture.

Claire's Baptism

All the nieces and nephews.
My signature Godmother move.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cherry Blossoms

We are loving the neighborhood Cherry Blossom trees!

The view from our front porch.

Bathroom Project

The "before" pictures are at the you get to see the finished product first. Doug did most of the work while I helped with the important stuff like painting, selecting new fixtures, and cheering him on as he attempted to build a cabinet at an angle. Since marriage is all about compromise, Doug's "favorite" wall hanging is remaining in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure this company (he worked for them) went under a few months after this article was written.

Courtney - an important member of the design team.