Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More Christmas 2009

Matthew and Annika
Sitoo and Matthew

Caiden bartending

Christmas 2009

Matthew and Ariana on Sitoo's big red chair

Andrew explaining to Jett, "When Santa comes, he leaves presents and he takes all the four diapers, but not the three diapers because Matthew still needs those."

Was this toy for the little kids or the big kids?

Caiden, Ari, Matthew on Sitoo's big red chair

Matthew and Ari

Jett and Andrew Giving Each Other the Finger

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Attic Project

South Side BeforeSouth Side After
South Side with roof access before
Roof Access turned into skylight
Sunset from Skylight

North Side Room Before
North Side Room AfterNorth Side Office Before

North Side Office After

Snow Storm!

Snow Angel...Hiking through the park from our house to Donna's.The next day...


Doug, knives, and pumpkins:

Sara, knives, and pumpkins:


Can you find Doug? I was so disappointed at how small the Liberty Bell was, but I got over it once we found Geno's.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why GM went bankrupt...

While the rest of the country looks for bailout money, Doug drives to Lordstown to solve GM's problems. Doug begins designing the hybrid...starting with a rear view mirror that remains attached to the windshield...even in hot DC weather.

Cleveland Trip

We took Claire for a walk and she witnessed a car accident and met a firefighter.

Doug meets the person who made this bike. He insisted Doug take it for a ride.
Claire wonders if they have ended up in Doug and Sara's yard.
Claire with Godfather and Auntie Sara.

Claire pinching Sitoo's chin.
Steph calming Claire after Mark causes a meltdown.
Claire reading and flipping the pages all by herself!

Claire can't wait to have like her favorite Auntie.

Summer 'do

In desperate need of a hair cut!
Cristina volunteers to cut the ponytail. (She signed a waiver that I couldn't sue her.)
The finished product! Well done, Cristina!

A few weeks later...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pizza Quiz!

We decided to grill pizza last night. Can you guess which one was made by the engineer?

Pizza 1 Pizza 2
Or Pizza 3?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Doug Latest Read

Doug found this book on the shelf and decided it was time he learn more about the messages single women are given. (This probably would have been more helpful when he was single...)

School's Out FOREVER...

The outdoor ceremony...luckily the tree kept us dry.
The indoor ceremony...Sara on deck.
Sara receiving diploma. The cameraman was torn between taking a picture or clapping, which is why it is blurry.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our Latest Adventure

Shirts optional...tattoos are so much cooler...
Chain smoking acceptable...
Free samples of chewing tobacco...Earplugs required...